Top Digital Marketing Trends and Innovations for 2019

Technology and marketing have worked hand in hand for many years now. In 2019, however, things set to evolve even further. Business, after all, is a fast-moving beast. Technology, too, is fast-evolving! But what are the top digital marketing trends and innovations for 2019? Are there any you should already be taking advantage of?
1. Chatbots are on the Rise

If you take a look at any digital marketing 2019 infographic, you'll likely see plenty of statistics relating to chatbot innovation. Chatbots are prime examples of artificial intelligence being introduced into simple customer service. AI can hold more than simple conversations with site visitors.

This means that visitors can now ask questions of website AI without the need for human interaction. Intelligent AI will be able to answer most questions and have the benefit of operating 24 hours a day. In an age where businesses need to be quick to respond and available 24/7, chatbots are providing a viable solution.

2. Greater Focus on Website Experiences

Google, as always, is making big changes to the way websites are represented in search. SEO now incorporates a greater need to offer a fantastic experience to your visitors. Websites, for example, which do not support mobile-friendly navigation, will be pushed down the search rankings.

Keywords are still important, but one of the top digital marketing trends and innovations for 2019 will be for brands to think more carefully about their users. Keeping people on-page and engaged is more valuable in 2019 than pulling in vague disinterest.

3. Omnichannel Marketing

The omnichannel marketing approach is an exciting one. More and more brands are blending their online and offline channels together. It’s been stated that up to 73% of customers make sure to use multiple channels while shopping. A great example of this innovation is to be able to buy and reserve stock at a certain store via a mobile app. The user can then pick up the item in-store.

Can your customers ask one question via an app, and continue the conversation in-store? Can they use exclusive voucher codes via mobile on store purchases? Blending channels is absolutely the way forward.

4. Voice Search is Still Important

Let’s not discount voice search altogether. This technology has been on the rise for a while now. It’s a 2019 marketing trend which is only going to generate more money for business as time goes on.
Think about home assistants such as Amazon Echo and Apple HomePod. They are being used to search the web with more and more.

As such, it’s predicted voice commerce sales could spike at a staggering $40 billion in the US alone by 2022. That’s compared to $1.8 billion in 2017. It’s tech you’ll want to watch.

5. Personalization in Email Marketing

Email Marketing has been a vital component of any digital marketing strategy. Automation platforms, data analytics and the wealth of thriving insights through sales CRM will become a norm in 2019.

According to Experian, personalized email delivers 6 times higher transaction rates, while Aberdeen reports increase in click-through rates by an average of 14%.